Online Money Making Guide [Money Earning internet sources] - Techonology Gyan

Techonology Gyan

This is a blog about technology releated ideas and innovations releated news. The blog techonology gyan in nepali is a very good blog releated To search engiene optimization courses in nepal and india.The digital marketing system in nepal and india and many mote. We teach online money making tips and tricks for nrpal and india. How to earn money from internet in nepal and india. We do following things : 1. How to make money from internet in nepal and india.

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Saturday, April 25, 2020

Online Money Making Guide [Money Earning internet sources]

Welcome to my blog friends. my name is Abhijeet Anand. In this is blog I will tell you the process of online money making tips. I will tell you the process of online money making process. I will post the articles about this process by routine wise. I will teach you by these steps:

Basic steps:  In the basic steps I will tell you about the basicthings and the basic knowledge that you required before starting the online money making business.Medium: In this steps ,I will tell you to follow the instructions and guidelines that I will provide you.
Advanced steps:
In advance steps about online money making tips from the internet professionally. after advanced level of learning you will be able to start and earn revenue from your online business.
online business,computer

Basic concept

Before starting online money making business, you need to understand the meaning and the concept of whole idea. You need to understand your ideology,methology, knowledge and skills.
So, you want to earn money online! well , there are many sectors, from that you can earn lots of money. But , before you do , you must learn it . you should understand the concept & the idea from that you will earn.the things from that you will earn money are:

affiliate marketing
online surveys
online data entry
E-Commerce business

       peoples are earning lots of money from these sites..." A Hard work is better than A smart work". peoples of today's world are always doing work hard to earn money. They spent more and more time in the offices to impress the boss for their promotion, compensation, powers and many more. I have seen some of my friends too are spending lots of time India offices and working hard to impress their Boss for compensation and promotions.
             make money from internet fast in nepal

Basic concepts of online business
In simple terms, " Online business is a business from which you can earn money from internet or through online platforms. In E-commerce business , If you are doing online selling products businesses, you will earn money through it by delevering the product physically by making order through internet. It means all the things will happen through internet.
This is not a unknown business. Unlike other businesses, this business has some special features.
→ You will be your own boss.
→ You can make your seperate entity.
→ You will be a self - dependent person.
→ Smart work
→ Can earn lots of money in less time.
→ Online promoter
→ Reduce your un- necessary efficiency and save your time.
→ You will be an Enterprenuer.
be your own boss online money making enterprenuership business

Knowledge and Skills

You don't need any degrees or certificates or any professional degrees.   You only need basic computer skills. Online business is not that much hard. If you will learn with your dedication you will be able to start.
online business knowledge idea skills ,make money without skills online

Before starting this business, you just need to understand about your knowledge and your skills. You should ask answer yourself:
→ what kind of knowledge I have?
→ What are my specialities?
→ Which processor is better for me?
→ which work Will shuit on my passion?
For example, if you are a singer you can be with singing, if you are a writer, you can be with them.
There are lots of things in the world for start and make your own entity. Need to go ahead with them. A positive passion makes your life positive. Business details you, the formula " the more you give the more you have."


YouTube is a online video publishing site. YouTube is a second most searched site after Google. YouTube is owned by Google Company . YouTube is a most popular video sharing site of the world. Millions of people are searching videos, watching videos in a second .
YouTube is a very good platform for starting online business for the creative peoples. You just need to do is, you should upload your videos and start earning money from it.
Before starting YouTube channel, or YouTube business, you need to identify and simplify your quality, that what kinds of which area will suits on you .
Well ,there are lots of Ideas to start a YouTube channel and make money from them. We know that YouTube is a online video sharing site of Google, And Google gives us permission to share videos on it and gives us a chance to earn money from them.
Decide your ideas, decide your passion, decide your goals and then start your business.
Some subjects for start YouTube channel:
1. Music channel
2. Sports channel
3. Comedy channel
4. Technology channel
5 . News channel
6. physical fitness channel
7. Art channel
8. spoof channel
9. Mimicry channel
10. Cooking channel
11. Biography channel
12. Brand promotion channel etc.
There are many area and Fields for starting YouTube channel. Not be against the committee guidelines and the terms and condition of YouTube company. YouTube only supports legal contents in their site . The neighbour supports illegal things like hacking, contents related to p*** , and the contents that violates the community. you should create YouTube channel according to your passion and knowledge when you understand you are a specialised area of Knowledge, then now you may proceed.
before starting a YouTube channel, you should know about the following things:
Things to know before starting a YouTube channel
filming and editing idea
Before starting YouTube business, you may learn how to film the videos, a good filmed videos helps to increase the subscriber of your channel. You should film branded and qualitative videos for your YouTube channel.
youtube video editing , online money making guide

After , shooting the videos , you should need to have the idea of video editing , VFX and special effects. Video editing help to edit , cut off, colour grading, colour correction and framing of your videos. These two things are the primary and the basic needs for starting YouTube business.

you should learn about YouTube content. You cannot upload someone else videos on your YouTube channel. Uploading others content is a punishable offence it is against the community guidelines of YouTube company. you should create your own content. YouTube never preferred those contains which are copied and against the YouTube community guidelines.

Community guidelines
before being a youtuber, you need to understand about the community guidelines of YouTube . you should understand that what kinds of videos are against YouTube community. Some area that against community guidelines of YouTube are:
1. Hacking materials or content.
2 . Nudy content, adult content, p*** content.
3. Negative content that violates the community .
4. Contents that against the law of your country.
in short, the content that against our culture, religion, tradition and law of the country.
Note : If you upload beyond YouTube community guidelines content, YouTube can give you a community guidelines Strike. This is not good for your YouTube channel Health. If you got free community guidelines Strike on your YouTube channel then your channel may be permanently suspended By YouTube.
youtube community guidelines strike, copyright strikes

copyright claim

If you upload someone others content on your YouTube channel, the real owner will claim his /her authority on that videos.
in some cases copyright claim with general, and in some cases it may be like serious diseases. in general cases for example: if you put someone others music audio in your YouTube video, then, when you upload your video, the algorithm of YouTube automatically find the copied content of that videos and will send you a copyright claim notification or by emailing by YouTube notification
In some cases, if the real owner, or the company agreed to use their audio in your video then you don't need to worry about it. You can share some parts of revenue with them. that's it. If copyright holder don't want to share the revenue with you then they can have full authority to delete or the authority to give you the copyright strike on your YouTube channel. So, you should be careful about the music that you are using in your YouTube videos.
youtube copyright claim, copyright strikes youtube channel

Copyright Strike

Unlike copyright claim , the copyright strike will be very serious problem for your YouTube channel. If you get 3 copyright strike on your YouTube channel within 3 month then your YouTube channel will be permanently suspended by YouTube company.

#Why you will get copyright strikes ?

→ If you use someone others contents on your youtube videos without taking authority or permission from them, then the real content owner have full right to givr you a copyright strike on your youtube channel.
I personally suggest , mostly create your own content. If you need to use someone others content in your videos then, you would have to take fully authority from them otherwise, you may suffer from copyright strikes. Copyright strikes is not good for your youtube channel.It will down your videos from youtube or google search engiene optimization.
Note : In some cases, you may also suffer from fake copyright strikes from your haters and enemies or unknown youtubers , who do not want to see you in their competition or other things. In that case, if you have full documents and proofs of your contents then you can file a dispute ans can escape your channel from those fake copyright strikes.
Description and tags
When you upload a youtube videos, you should have the knowledge of videos descriptions and taglines.
Description: Description means, what is the videos exactly about. Theirname, objectives, contributions etc. A good descriptions helps to increase the video ranking on youtube.
Tag : Generally , Tags is releated with search engiene optimization (SEO). Tags helps to show your videos where you want. Tags helps to show your videos in particular and releated area. A good tagslines helps to increase search tanking of your videos.
                                   So, your videos deasriptions abd tags should be properly classified.

Search Engiene Optimization
You need to understand about Search Engiene Optimization (SEO) to rank your videos on youtube or google or any other social media plateforms. You need to SEO your content .
search engiene optimization meaning

# Where i can SEO or share my youtube videos ?
→ Very simple, you can share your videos content on social media plateforms.
    Example: Facebook, Reddit, Tumbler, Twitter, Linkdin, Instagram , Pinnerest, Email etc. These are the common and the basic social media plateforms to promote your youtube videos. Social media helps to increase your videos on youtube and google.

Adsense is a google advertise sharing site. Adsense is a part of google so, it is called google Adsense.
# What does google Adsense do ?
→ Google Adsense helps to earn money from your youtube videos and websites. After uploading your videos on youtube, you need to do is , you should monetise your videos by connecting it from google Adsense programme.
google adsense program, make online money

                   Google Adsense put advertisement on your content and share their gained with you. Youtube will not give you any kinds of money. Adsense will give you the money. The works of adsense program is to put their hosted add on your videos or content and share with you. Generally, out of 100% adsense will charge 45% from your total earnings.
For Example :- If you earn rs. 100 then, you will get 55 rupeese. Well not a bad things !
Multi-Channel Network
MCN means multi channel network companies. MCN is a private youtube channels network. Many youtuberes of todays joins MCN as an alternative.
                                    Just like google adsense program, if you join your youtube channel in MCN, then your all paying details will be controlled by MCN networks. It has some advantages and disadvantages.
1. If you join MCN the companies will guide you , how to grow your youtube channel.
2. They will provide you an extra adds to your youtube videos i.e. Both Adsense adds + MCN hosted adds.
3. You will get alots of special features and some extra revenue from it.
4. Increase the chance of security.
1. Your payments will be controlled by MCN company.
2. They will pay you the money according to their payment terms and conditions.
3. Sometimes you may earn very less because, your money will be partial i.e. Adsense program cuts your money 45% and MCN cuts your money 40 to 60 % approx or by their laws. After that. you will get the remaining part.
NOTE:- You can choose the programs according to your needs and desires. Both Adsense and MCN suits on you. You can choose what you want.
Google Adwords

Generally, google Adwords is a paid program. Adword will advertise your videos or content. You can promote your videos or you can increase your contents ranking by doing  SEO  paid program. It helps to optimise your content on google or other social media plateforms.
google adwords program , google advertising

                                  If you want to promote your videos or content, you can promote from it by paying amounts. Adword charges money from you for promoting or advertising your contents oe articles.It increases you content ranking on google search engiene.
Google adwords is very good plateforms to promote your contents. Many youtubers and content writers are using it. It is very useful especially for new creators for promote their content and to rank their content on google search engienes.

Youtube Analytics

search engiene youtube analytics

Analytics shows your youtube videos rankings details. It gives you the information about :
→ Where your videos are watching ?
→ What is your total watchtime ?
→ Which age have your most viewers ?
→ What is your watch time ?
→ Income details , cpc, cpm etc.
anakytics, seo , search engiene rankings, reports analytics, youtube analytics
     Analytics will give you a details informations about your videos. You will know about all the rankings and watchtimes as well as revenue details from it.

Note : Youtube has announced a new update from 20th february 2018. In that announcement , Youtube has announced that, to monetise your youtube videos and to very with Google Adsense program to your youtube channel, you need to accquire at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watchtime. They announced these updates for security reasons .

Thank you friends.
Second parts is comming very soon . Please follow my blog and keep reading. If you have any queries or any questions then you can comment in this article's comments section . I will reply.

Welcome to my blog friends. my name is Abhijeet Chaudhary. In this is blog I will tell you the process of online money making tips. I will tell you the process of online money making process. I will post the articles about this process by routine wise. I will teach you by these steps:
Basic steps:  In the basic steps I will tell you about the basicthings and the basic knowledge that you required before starting the online money making business.Medium: In this steps ,I will tell you to follow the instructions and guidelines that I will provide you.
Advanced steps:
In advance steps about online money making tips from the internet professionally. after advanced level of learning you will be able to start and earn revenue from your online business.
how to start online business? how to make money from internet

Basic concept
Before starting online money making business, you need to understand the meaning and the concept of whole idea. You need to understand your ideology,methology, knowledge and skills.
So, you want to earn money online! well , there are many sectors, from that you can earn lots of money. But , before you do , you must learn it . you should understand the concept & the idea from that you will earn.the things from that you will earn money are:

affiliate marketing
online surveys
online data entry
E-Commerce business

       peoples are earning lots of money from these sites..." A Hard work is better than A smart work". peoples of today's world are always doing work hard to earn money. They spent more and more time in the offices to impress the boss for their promotion, compensation, powers and many more. I have seen some of my friends too are spending lots of time India offices and working hard to impress their Boss for compensation and promotions.
             make money from internet

Basic concepts of online business
In simple terms, " Online business is a business from which you can earn money from internet or through online platforms. In E-commerce business , If you are doing online selling products businesses, you will earn money through it by delevering the product physically by making order through internet. It means all the things will happen through internet.
This is not a unknown business. Unlike other businesses, this business has some special features.
→ You will be your own boss.
→ You can make your seperate entity.
→ You will be a self - dependent person.
→ Smart work
→ Can earn lots of money in less time.
→ Online promoter
→ Reduce your un- necessary efficiency and save your time.
→ You will be an Enterprenuer.
be your own boss online money making enterprenuership business

Knowledge and Skills

You don't need any degrees or certificates or any professional degrees.   You only need basic computer skills. Online business is not that much hard. If you will learn with your dedication you will be able to start.
online business knowledge idea skills ,make money without skills online

Before starting this business, you just need to understand about your knowledge and your skills. You should ask answer yourself:
→ what kind of knowledge I have?
→ What are my specialities?
→ Which processor is better for me?
→ which work Will shuit on my passion?
For example, if you are a singer you can be with singing, if you are a writer, you can be with them.
There are lots of things in the world for start and make your own entity. Need to go ahead with them. A positive passion makes your life positive. Business details you, the formula " the more you give the more you have."


YouTube is a online video publishing site. YouTube is a second most searched site after Google. YouTube is owned by Google Company . YouTube is a most popular video sharing site of the world. Millions of people are searching videos, watching videos in a second .
YouTube is a very good platform for starting online business for the creative peoples. You just need to do is, you should upload your videos and start earning money from it.
Before starting YouTube channel, or YouTube business, you need to identify and simplify your quality, that what kinds of which area will suits on you .
Well ,there are lots of Ideas to start a YouTube channel and make money from them. We know that YouTube is a online video sharing site of Google, And Google gives us permission to share videos on it and gives us a chance to earn money from them.
Decide your ideas, decide your passion, decide your goals and then start your business.
Some subjects for start YouTube channel:
1. Music channel
2. Sports channel
3. Comedy channel
4. Technology channel
5 . News channel
6. physical fitness channel
7. Art channel
8. spoof channel
9. Mimicry channel
10. Cooking channel
11. Biography channel
12. Brand promotion channel etc.
There are many area and Fields for starting YouTube channel. Not be against the committee guidelines and the terms and condition of YouTube company. YouTube only supports legal contents in their site . The neighbour supports illegal things like hacking, contents related to p*** , and the contents that violates the community. you should create YouTube channel according to your passion and knowledge when you understand you are a specialised area of Knowledge, then now you may proceed.
before starting a YouTube channel, you should know about the following things:
Things to know before starting a YouTube channel
filming and editing idea
Before starting YouTube business, you may learn how to film the videos, a good filmed videos helps to increase the subscriber of your channel. You should film branded and qualitative videos for your YouTube channel.
youtube video editing , online money making guide

After , shooting the videos , you should need to have the idea of video editing , VFX and special effects. Video editing help to edit , cut off, colour grading, colour correction and framing of your videos. These two things are the primary and the basic needs for starting YouTube business.

you should learn about YouTube content. You cannot upload someone else videos on your YouTube channel. Uploading others content is a punishable offence it is against the community guidelines of YouTube company. you should create your own content. YouTube never preferred those contains which are copied and against the YouTube community guidelines.

Community guidelines
before being a youtuber, you need to understand about the community guidelines of YouTube . you should understand that what kinds of videos are against YouTube community. Some area that against community guidelines of YouTube are:
1. Hacking materials or content.
2 . Nudy content, adult content, p*** content.
3. Negative content that violates the community .
4. Contents that against the law of your country.
in short, the content that against our culture, religion, tradition and law of the country.
Note : If you upload beyond YouTube community guidelines content, YouTube can give you a community guidelines Strike. This is not good for your YouTube channel Health. If you got free community guidelines Strike on your YouTube channel then your channel may be permanently suspended By YouTube.
youtube community guidelines strike, copyright strikes

copyright claim

If you upload someone others content on your YouTube channel, the real owner will claim his /her authority on that videos.
in some cases copyright claim with general, and in some cases it may be like serious diseases. in general cases for example: if you put someone others music audio in your YouTube video, then, when you upload your video, the algorithm of YouTube automatically find the copied content of that videos and will send you a copyright claim notification or by emailing by YouTube notification
In some cases, if the real owner, or the company agreed to use their audio in your video then you don't need to worry about it. You can share some parts of revenue with them. that's it. If copyright holder don't want to share the revenue with you then they can have full authority to delete or the authority to give you the copyright strike on your YouTube channel. So, you should be careful about the music that you are using in your YouTube videos.
youtube copyright claim, copyright strikes youtube channel

Copyright Strike

Unlike copyright claim , the copyright strike will be very serious problem for your YouTube channel. If you get 3 copyright strike on your YouTube channel within 3 month then your YouTube channel will be permanently suspended by YouTube company.

#Why you will get copyright strikes ?

→ If you use someone others contents on your youtube videos without taking authority or permission from them, then the real content owner have full right to givr you a copyright strike on your youtube channel.
I personally suggest , mostly create your own content. If you need to use someone others content in your videos then, you would have to take fully authority from them otherwise, you may suffer from copyright strikes. Copyright strikes is not good for your youtube channel.It will down your videos from youtube or google search engiene optimization.
Note : In some cases, you may also suffer from fake copyright strikes from your haters and enemies or unknown youtubers , who do not want to see you in their competition or other things. In that case, if you have full documents and proofs of your contents then you can file a dispute ans can escape your channel from those fake copyright strikes.
Description and tags
When you upload a youtube videos, you should have the knowledge of videos descriptions and taglines.
Description: Description means, what is the videos exactly about. Theirname, objectives, contributions etc. A good descriptions helps to increase the video ranking on youtube.
Tag : Generally , Tags is releated with search engiene optimization (SEO). Tags helps to show your videos where you want. Tags helps to show your videos in particular and releated area. A good tagslines helps to increase search tanking of your videos.
                                   So, your videos deasriptions abd tags should be properly classified.

Search Engiene Optimization
You need to understand about Search Engiene Optimization (SEO) to rank your videos on youtube or google or any other social media plateforms. You need to SEO your content .
search engiene optimization meaning

# Where i can SEO or share my youtube videos ?
→ Very simple, you can share your videos content on social media plateforms.
    Example: Facebook, Reddit, Tumbler, Twitter, Linkdin, Instagram , Pinnerest, Email etc. These are the common and the basic social media plateforms to promote your youtube videos. Social media helps to increase your videos on youtube and google.

Adsense is a google advertise sharing site. Adsense is a part of google so, it is called google Adsense.
# What does google Adsense do ?
→ Google Adsense helps to earn money from your youtube videos and websites. After uploading your videos on youtube, you need to do is , you should monetise your videos by connecting it from google Adsense programme.
google adsense program, make online money

                   Google Adsense put advertisement on your content and share their gained with you. Youtube will not give you any kinds of money. Adsense will give you the money. The works of adsense program is to put their hosted add on your videos or content and share with you. Generally, out of 100% adsense will charge 45% from your total earnings.
For Example :- If you earn rs. 100 then, you will get 55 rupeese. Well not a bad things !
Multi-Channel Network
MCN means multi channel network companies. MCN is a private youtube channels network. Many youtuberes of todays joins MCN as an alternative.
                                    Just like google adsense program, if you join your youtube channel in MCN, then your all paying details will be controlled by MCN networks. It has some advantages and disadvantages.
1. If you join MCN the companies will guide you , how to grow your youtube channel.
2. They will provide you an extra adds to your youtube videos i.e. Both Adsense adds + MCN hosted adds.
3. You will get alots of special features and some extra revenue from it.
4. Increase the chance of security.
1. Your payments will be controlled by MCN company.
2. They will pay you the money according to their payment terms and conditions.
3. Sometimes you may earn very less because, your money will be partial i.e. Adsense program cuts your money 45% and MCN cuts your money 40 to 60 % approx or by their laws. After that. you will get the remaining part.
NOTE:- You can choose the programs according to your needs and desires. Both Adsense and MCN suits on you. You can choose what you want.
Google Adwords

Generally, google Adwords is a paid program. Adword will advertise your videos or content. You can promote your videos or you can increase your contents ranking by doing  SEO  paid program. It helps to optimise your content on google or other social media plateforms.
google adwords program , google advertising

                                  If you want to promote your videos or content, you can promote from it by paying amounts. Adword charges money from you for promoting or advertising your contents oe articles.It increases you content ranking on google search engiene.
Google adwords is very good plateforms to promote your contents. Many youtubers and content writers are using it. It is very useful especially for new creators for promote their content and to rank their content on google search engienes.

Youtube Analytics

search engiene youtube analytics

Analytics shows your youtube videos rankings details. It gives you the information about :
→ Where your videos are watching ?
→ What is your total watchtime ?
→ Which age have your most viewers ?
→ What is your watch time ?
→ Income details , cpc, cpm etc.
anakytics, seo , search engiene rankings, reports analytics, youtube analytics
     Analytics will give you a details informations about your videos. You will know about all the rankings and watchtimes as well as revenue details from it.

Note : Youtube has announced a new update from 20th february 2018. In that announcement , Youtube has announced that, to monetise your youtube videos and to very with Google Adsense program to your youtube channel, you need to accquire at least 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watchtime. They announced these updates for security reasons .

Thank you friends.
Second parts is comming very soon . Please follow my blog and keep reading. If you have any queries or any questions then you can comment in this article's comments section . I will reply.

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